Showing posts with label ayurvedic constipation medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ayurvedic constipation medicine. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Curing Constipation with Ayurveda

Ayurveda defines the absence of bowel movements as a signal of Vata imbalance in the body as well as the blockage of various channels. Although constipation is a minor problem at the outset, if left untreated, it might turn into a major health problem with a lot of dire consequences. This brings about the need to give immediate attention to the problem.
The large intestine is designed to store waste materials for a certain period of time. A slight increase in this time frame is not an issue. However, the lack of bowel movements for extended periods of time leads to the sending of wrong electrical signals to the brain, thus leading to various related health problems such as migraine. The primary cause of constipation is a weak immune system, resulting from irregular eating patterns, a low fiber diet, poor bowel movement habits as well as a low intake of fluids, amongst other things. 
Constipation tablets
Ayurveda prescribes the following tips for curing constipation with Ayurveda:
                      Ayurvedic products such as Hareetaki and Aragwadha have been proven to be potent cures for constipation. Castor Oil is another ingredient that can help ease constipation
                      Jayapala, Danti as well as Trivrit are potent Ayurvedic medicine for Constipation
                      Include large amounts of fibers in your diet. Make sure you consume fruits, vegetables, corn, cauliflowers, orange, spinach and berries in your diet
                      Drink lots of water throughout the day. It is advisable that you increase your intake of water by about two to four extra glasses
                      Drink a cup of lukewarm water with a dash of organic lemon, before you start your daily routine each morning. This helps amp up your digestive system and also cleans your digestive tract each morning. A cup of lukewarm water also enables proper digestion, thus facilitating and easing bowel movement
                      Avoid excessive consumption of spicy and oily food. Keep away from fried food and try to limit your intake of heavy, non-vegetarian food
                      Do not keep sitting at a place for extended periods of time. Consider jogging or walking for 10-15 minutes after every three to four hours of sitting at a place
                      Consider taking up a healthy habit that also increases your physical movements. You can choose anything from Aerobics, Yoga, Zumba, dance classes or any other sport that you may like
                      If you are feeling constipated, it would be advisable to cut down on your intake of milk and other dairy products

Cure the underlying cause of Constipation:

                      Depression is one reason that might be causing constipation. Treating symptoms of depression can help ease constipation from your body
                      Migraine can be another underlying cause of constipation. Controlling the symptoms of migraine is not a solution to the problem. The answer is to treat the disease and its causes and not just handle the symptoms
                      If you are suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, correction of the digestive process and cleansing of the digestive tract would be the first step to be taken. Immediate professional medical attention is advised if you are suffering from this disease.

Constipation medicine are another potent cure for treating severe constipation. Kabaj Pills is essentially an Ayurvedic medicine for constipation which stimulates bowel movements and offers instant relief from the pain and discomfort caused due to constipation. 1 pill at night before bed and if a person is suffering from severe constipation, 1 pill in the morning and 1 in the night
constipation medicine
 Following are some home remedies that will help cure constipation:
                      Take one teaspoon of cow ghee and dissolve it in one cup of water. Consume this once a day, preferably in the evenings, in order to get rid of constipation
                      Try to include the pulp from fresh aloe vera leaves in your diet on a regular basis. This will help prevent hard bowels
                      At night, before you go to bed, dissolve some Gulkhand in a glass of milk and consume everyday for two weeks

Ayurveda prescribes performing the following Asanas, in order to ease constipation and facilitate faster digestion as well as better bowel movement:

                      Uttana Padasana
                      Pavana Muktasana
Keep away from herbs such as ripe falsa, Kupilu and fox nut, apart from fruits like Jamun, which are responsible for causing constipation. Contrary to general perception, continued use of laxatives for over longer periods of time actually worsens the condition of Constipation, rather than easing it. It is, therefore, advised that you use laxatives as recommended by a practicing medical professional. Consumption of Patola as well as raisins is also helpful in easing mild constipation, when consumed over extended periods of time. Buy Ayurvedic Medicine Online.